DAY 3: New wordpress, New day

So, I had changed my username and wordpress url but unfortunately it wasn’t showing up in any search engine. Far from understanding all the technicalities, I decided to start a new wordpress. And, here we are. 🙂



Yesterday was not a strong start but better than the day before. I’m obviously focusing on the silver lining. 🙂

I watched an inspiring piece today that I’d like to share with you:


What this man has accomplished is one thing. But the fact that this man must have proceeded despite his own doubt and inertia is inspiring. Even greater was that he must have had many people talk him down by discussing the “practicality”  and the lack of intense monetary profit…..of his endeavor/goal.

The profit is in the sense of being part of a mission that is far larger than a few green in the bank. Profit is the sense that he’ll be saving lives of plants, animals and humans by his persistence and willpower. People like this are rare, and that is what it warms my heart to be an audience to their successes. I’m always a fan of a modern day hero. Always.

Each of us are capable of doing great things. We have to first believe that we can and then put the blinders on to all the naysayers and the selfish ones, who cannot see the value of giving and going beyond the narrow scope of self identifying and valuing ourselves based on the level of cash in our accounts. What shallow lives they live. Ironically their lives are not as enRICHed, are they?

While in my near future, the USMLEs and then a career in medicine are vital. Becoming a person, who can be a well rounded and productive member of society is truly important to me.



  • Flashcards total 8 sets
  • Review Sheets
    • general
    • micro
  • First Aid
    • respiratory
    • renal
    • endo
    • heme/onc
    • immuno



In addition to the new wordpress blog, I ended up going through some ENT. Not quite sure why, but I was super involved in the process. I need to focus more but it was nice to review it.

It’s almost 3pm. I’ll take a quick break and then into the midst of my work I go!



(photo credits to: Benson Kua of flickr, pixabay)